iPhones akhoza anatembenuka chosonyeza kuti akazonde inu

Avatar ya Linda Hohnholz
Written by Linda Hohnholz

Kutulutsa kwaposachedwa kwa mluzi, a Edward Snowden, kwawonetsa kuti bungwe lachitetezo ku Britain GCHQ lakhala likusunga maimelo zikwizikwi ochokera kwa atolankhani omwe akugwira ntchito m'mabungwe akuluakulu atolankhani


Kutulutsa kwaposachedwa kwa mluzi, a Edward Snowden, kwawonetsa kuti bungwe lachitetezo ku Britain GCHQ lakhala likusunga maimelo zikwizikwi ochokera kwa atolankhani omwe akugwira ntchito m'mabungwe akuluakulu atolankhani padziko lapansi, kuphatikiza BBC, Guardian, New York Times, Washington Post, ndi ena

Snowden sangagwiritse ntchito Apple iPhone. Ngakhale Apple akuti idatulutsa ukadaulo watsopano womwe apolisi sangasokoneze, m'modzi mwa mavumbulutso angapo a Snowden adawonetsa kuti NSA itha kuyambitsa zida ngakhale zitazimitsidwa.

Kwa a Snowden, lingaliro lokana tekinoloje iyi ndichosankha chaumwini komanso chaukadaulo, Kucherena adauza RIA Novosti Lolemba.

"Edward sagwiritsa ntchito iPhone, ali ndi foni yosavuta… IPhone ili ndi pulogalamu yapadera yomwe imatha kudziyambitsa yokha popanda eni ake kukanikiza batani ndikupeza zambiri za iye, ndichifukwa chake amakana kugwiritsa ntchito foni potengera chitetezo, "Kucherena adatero.


  • “Edward never uses an iPhone, he's got a simple phone… The iPhone has special software that can activate itself without the ownеr having to press a button and gather information about him, which is why he refuses to use the phone based on security grounds,” Kucherena said.
  • The latest leak by the whistleblower, Edward Snowden, showed the British security agency GCHQ has been storing thousands of emails from journalists working for the world's biggest news organizations, including the BBC, Guardian, New York Times, Washington Post, and others.
  • Despite Apple's claims that it has released new technology that cannot be compromised by the police, one of Snowden's multiple revelations showed the NSA can bug devices even when they are turned off.

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Linda Hohnholz

Mkonzi wamkulu kwa eTurboNews zochokera ku eTN HQ.

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