2021 Mizinda Yosangalatsa Kwambiri ku America

Will the increasing vaccination rate also cause an increase in visitors in U.S. cities?

“The surges and declines in the incidence of COVID infections have wreaked havoc with the city and state plans regarding the openness of their cities to visitors from the U.S. and especially from abroad. The increasing vaccination rate and mask mandates have been helpful, encouraging more venues to open and more visitors to venture forth. The pent-up demand to travel and the extra funds that many households have accumulated during the pandemic also stimulate more travel.”

James Danziger – Professor Emeritus, University of California, Irvine

“The increase in vaccination rates should increase the number of tourists and vacationers to the U.S. Tourists will feel much safer visiting locations knowing that the vaccination rate is substantial. Health concerns matter.”

Gary L. Rose, Ph.D. – Professor, Sacred Heart University


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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson wakhala mkonzi wa ntchito ya eTurboNews kwa zaka zoposa 20. Iye amakhala ku Honolulu, Hawaii, ndipo kwawo ndi ku Ulaya. Amakonda kulemba ndi kufalitsa nkhani.

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