Dr. Lahcen Haddad of Morocco joins African Tourism Board

Avatar ya Linda Hohnholz
Written by Linda Hohnholz

The African Tourism Board (ATB) is pleased to announce Dr. Lahcen Haddad of Morocco has joined the African Tourism Board. Dr. Haddad has been a Parliamentarian since October 2016 and former Minister of Tourism in the Moroccan Government. He will serve on the Board as a member of the Committee of Elders in Tourism.

Mamembala atsopano agwirizana ndi bungweli kusanachitike kukhazikitsidwa kwa ATB kozizira Lolemba Novembala 5, maola 1400 pa World Travel Market ku London.

Atsogoleri akuluakulu a zokopa alendo 200, kuphatikizapo nduna za mayiko ambiri a mu Africa, komanso Dr. Taleb Rifai, yemwe kale anali UNWTO Secretary General, akuyembekezeka kukhala nawo pamwambowu ku WTM.

Dinani apa kuti mudziwe zambiri zamsonkhano wa African Tourism Board pa Novembala 5 ndikulembetsa.

Dr. Haddad served as Minister of Tourism in the Moroccan Government from 2012-2016 and has worked since his appointment in 2012 to make Morocco a Mediterranean tourism destination, as well as a reference in sustainable tourism.

He has led many projects and regulatory reforms, particularly in the areas of investment and financing of the tourism industry, regulation of trades, digital marketing, market development, and human capital.

During its 5 years of mandate, the tourist arrival to Morocco had exceeded 10 million visitors per year. Employment in the sector has increased by more than 50,000 new positions.

Before joining the government, Dr. Haddad served as an international expert in strategic studies, democracy, governance, and economic and human development. His involvement in studies and programs of national and international scope gives him a mastery of issues of geostrategy and geopolitics, economic development, public policy, and international relations, as well as issues of local and international governance.


Yakhazikitsidwa mu 2018, African Tourism Board (ATB) ndi bungwe lomwe limadziwika padziko lonse lapansi chifukwa chothandizira kupititsa patsogolo ntchito zoyendera komanso zokopa alendo kudera la Africa. African Tourism Board ndi gawo limodzi la Mgwirizano Wapadziko Lonse Wothandizana Nawo ku Tourism (ICTP).

Bungwe limapereka chidziwitso chofananira, kafukufuku wanzeru, komanso zochitika zatsopano kwa mamembala ake.

Pogwirizana ndi mamembala aboma komanso aboma, ATB imathandizira kukula kwokhazikika, phindu, komanso kuyenda bwino komanso zokopa alendo, kuchokera, komanso ku Africa. Bungweli limapereka utsogoleri ndi upangiri pamtundu umodzi komanso mogwirizana kwa mabungwe omwe ali mgululi. ATB ikukulitsa mwachangu mwayi wotsatsa, maubale ndi anthu, mabizinesi, kutsatsa, kutsatsa, ndi kukhazikitsa misika yaying'ono.

Kuti mumve zambiri pa Africa Tourism Board, Dinani apa. Kuti mujowine ATB, Dinani apa.


  • Founded in 2018, the African Tourism Board (ATB) is an association that is internationally acclaimed for acting as a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to and from the African region.
  • Haddad served as Minister of Tourism in the Moroccan Government from 2012-2016 and has worked since his appointment in 2012 to make Morocco a Mediterranean tourism destination, as well as a reference in sustainable tourism.
  • His involvement in studies and programs of national and international scope gives him a mastery of issues of geostrategy and geopolitics, economic development, public policy, and international relations, as well as issues of local and international governance.

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Linda Hohnholz

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