Ulendo waku Grenada udandaula chifukwa cha Gordon 'Butch' Stewart

Ulendo waku Grenada udandaula chifukwa cha Gordon 'Butch' Stewart
Avatar ya Harry Johnson
Written by Harry Johnson

Ministry of Tourism and Grenada Tourism Authority (GTA) ikukhumudwa ndi nkhani yakumwalira kwa a Gordon 'Butch' Stewart, OJ, CD, Hon. LLD. Stewart, Wachiwiri ndi Woyambitsa Director wa Sandals International Resorts Ltd wakhala chowunikira ku Caribbean, ndikupanga dzina lomwe lakhala lalitali pamsika wapadziko lonse kwazaka zambiri.

Womaliza wapampando adasinthiratu kukonda kwake malonda ndi bizinesi kukhala chilakolako chomwe chidapangitsa kuti hotelo yodziwika bwino yapadziko lonse lapansi ya Sandals ndikulimba mtima kwake kuwone kufalikira mwachangu ku Caribbean konse, kuphatikiza Grenada. Mgwirizano wapakati pa Sandals ndi Boma la Grenada walimbikitsa mbiri ya Ulendo wa Grenada powonjezera malo abwino opitako ndikupita kukaphunzira, kukonza ndi kupeza ntchito kwa mazana a Grenadians. Sandals Foundation yathandizanso kwambiri anthu aku Grenadian kudzera munjira zothandizira anthu ena.

Polankhula zakukhudzidwa kwa a Stewart, Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Climate Resilience ndi Environment Hon. Dr. Clarice Modeste-Curwen adati, "Gordon 'Butch' Stewart anali wamasomphenya ndipo kukumbukira kwake kudzalimbikitsa mibadwo yamtsogolo ku Caribbean pothana ndi zopinga ndikuchita bwino."

Ministry of Tourism and Grenada Tourism Authority (GTA) ikupereka chitonthozo kwa abale ndi abwenzi a Gordon 'Butch' Stewart. Mulole iye apumule mu mtendere.


  • Stewart, the Chairman and Founding Director of Sandals International Resorts Ltd has been a beacon of inspiration in the Caribbean, creating a brand that has stood tall in the international market for decades.
  • The Ministry of Tourism and the Grenada Tourism Authority (GTA) extend condolences to the family and friends of the late Gordon ‘Butch' Stewart.
  • The partnership between Sandals and the Government of Grenada has enhanced Grenada's Tourism profile by adding significant quality room stock to the destination and training, development and employment for hundreds of Grenadians.

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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson wakhala mkonzi wa ntchito ya eTurboNews kwa zaka zoposa 20. Iye amakhala ku Honolulu, Hawaii, ndipo kwawo ndi ku Ulaya. Amakonda kulemba ndi kufalitsa nkhani.

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