Mtsogoleri wotsutsa ku Canada walumbira kuti aletsa 'kuwoloka malire osaloledwa' kuchokera ku US


Andrew Scheer, wamkulu wa chipani chotsutsa cha Canada cha Conservative Party, wati akufuna kuletsa kuwoloka malire osaloledwa ndi US poyang'ananso mgwirizano wa mayiko awiriwa.

Mtsogoleri wotsutsa adafotokoza malingaliro ake oti chipani chake chigonjetse a Liberals a Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pachisankho chachikulu cha Okutobala.

"Tidzagwira ntchito kuti tithetse kuwoloka malire osaloledwa kumalo osadziwika bwino ngati Roxham Road potseka njira ya Safe Third Country Agreement yomwe imalola anthu ena kudumpha mzere ndikupewa mzere," adatero Lachiwiri.

Pansi pa mgwirizano wa 2004, aliyense amene akufunsira chitetezo ku US kapena Canada akuyenera kulembetsa kumayiko aliwonse omwe amalowa koyamba. Pofuna kupewa lamuloli ndikutsimikizira kuti akufuna kutetezedwa ku Canada, anthu masauzande ambiri adutsa m'dzikolo kudutsa malire osavomerezeka.


  • "Tidzagwira ntchito kuti tithetse kuwoloka malire osaloledwa kumalo osadziwika bwino ngati Roxham Road potseka njira ya Safe Third Country Agreement yomwe imalola anthu ena kudumpha mzere ndikupewa mzere," adatero Lachiwiri.
  • Under the 2004 accord, anyone applying for asylum in either the US or Canada must file their application in whichever country they enter first.
  • To avoid that rule and guarantee their asylum application will be considered in Canada, thousands of migrants have passed into the country through unofficial border crossings.

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