Kukula kwa Beirut Airport: Kuchiritsa makamu ndi kulephera kwamachitidwe

Written by Linda Hohnholz

Chilimwe chatha, Beirut Rafik Hariri International Airport idakhala mitu yankhani pomwe okwera adakakamira m'mizere kwa maola ambiri pomwe khamu lidakulirakulira pomwe malowo adasokonekera.

Mwezi umodzi wapitawo, eyapotiyo idayamba kugwira ntchito kuti ikwaniritse mayendedwe a anthu komanso makamaka kuthana ndi zovuta za anthu aku Lebanon omwe amapita ndikubwerera ku eyapoti.

Gawo loyamba la ntchito yowonjezera bwalo la ndege la Beirut lidayambitsidwa posachedwa ndikuwonjezera ma counters opitilira 38 opitilira pasipoti ku Arrivals Hall. Nduna Yowona Zoyendetsa Youssef Fenianos ndi Nduna Yowona Zokopa alendo Avedis Guidanian akhazikitsa gawo loyamba lakukula uku pamene akuyendera malo olandila chitetezo ndi omwe akufika komanso bwalo lonse la ndege.

Msonkhano wolumikizana ndi atolankhani unachitikira ku Press Hall yatsopano ku Salon of Honor eyapoti kuti ifotokozere kutsegulidwa kwa gawo loyamba la ntchito yowonjezera.

Minister Fenianos alengeza kuti owerengera owerengera owongolera mapasipoti a 14 akhazikitsidwa pamalo ofikira ndipo owerengera 24 awonjezedwa ndipo izi zikwezedwa mpaka 34 kumapeto kwa Juni. Ananenanso kuti cholinga cha ntchito yatsopanoyi ndikuthandizira anthu aku Lebanoni kuti afike mwachangu pandege akamayenda patchuthi kapena kubwerera kuntchito kwawo kutsidya lina, komanso kuthandizira kubwera mwachangu kwa alendo ku Lebanon kudzera pa eyapoti. Anafotokozanso kuti anthu omwe adzagwiritse ntchito malowa amatha kulowetsa katundu wawo ndikuwayendera ku Salon, chifukwa chake sayenera kufika msanga kuti alowemo kapena kutumiza matumba awo nthawi isanakwane.

Minister Guidanian ayamika ntchito ya minisitala wa zamayendedwe komanso mabungwe onse omwe adagwirizana kuti ntchitoyi ipambane. Adalonjeza nyengo yabwino yachilimwe, "ndikuyembekeza kuti tidzakumananso kumapeto kwa chilimwe ndi kupambana kwina."


  • He pointed out that the goal of this new project is to facilitate to the Lebanese a quick arrival to the planes when traveling on holidays or back and forth to their work overseas, but also to facilitate quick arrival for visitors to Lebanon through the airport.
  • Msonkhano wolumikizana ndi atolankhani unachitikira ku Press Hall yatsopano ku Salon of Honor eyapoti kuti ifotokozere kutsegulidwa kwa gawo loyamba la ntchito yowonjezera.
  • Transport Minister Youssef Fenianos and Tourism Minister Avedis Guidanian inaugurated the first stage of this expansion as they toured the general security check-in and arrivals area as well as throughout the airport.

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Linda Hohnholz

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