Nduna Yowona Zakunja ku Russia ikufuna kuti ndege zapakati pa Russia ndi Georgia ziyambirenso

Nduna Yowona Zakunja ku Russia ikufuna kuti ndege zapakati pa Russia ndi Georgia ziyambirenso

Kuyambiranso ndege zachindunji pakati Moscow ndi Georgia chingakhale chinthu choyenera kuchita, chifukwa nzika zambiri za ku Georgia zazindikira zotsutsana ndi zotsutsana ndi Russia, Nduna Yachilendo ya Russia Sergey Lavrov adatero poyankhulana ndi Kommersant tsiku ndi tsiku.

"Ndilibwino kuyambiranso maulendo apandege. Ndikuganiza kuti chingakhale chinthu choyenera kuchita, anthu ambiri a ku Georgia atazindikira kuti zomwe zidachitika ku nyumba yamalamulo ku Georgia zidakhala zopanda phindu komanso zolimbikitsa, zomwe zidachitika pomwe msonkhano wa Inter-parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy unasonkhana kumeneko, "adatero nduna ya ku Russia. .


  • I think it would be a right thing to do, after the majority of Georgians have realized how counter-productive and provocative the incident at the Georgian parliament was, which happened when the Inter-parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy gathered there,”.
  • Resuming direct flights between Moscow and Georgia would be a right thing to do, because the majority of Georgian citizens have realized the counter-productiveness of previous anti-Russian provocations, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the Kommersant daily.
  • The Russian minister said.

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