Global Travel Taskforce itha kuyambitsa Britain - ngati nduna zingagwire Border Force

Global Travel Taskforce itha kuyambitsa Britain - ngati nduna zingagwire Border Force
Global Travel Taskforce itha kuyambitsa Britain - ngati nduna zingagwire Border Force
Written by Harry Johnson

Atumiki aku UK akuyenera kudziwa momwe Border Force ikugwirira ntchito kuti alendo azilandilidwa bwino ku Britain, osati mzere wa ola limodzi


  • Manambala okwera pamwezi ndiotsika kwambiri kuyambira 1966, chifukwa chiletso paulendo wonse koma wofunikira
  • CAA yavomereza kuti malamulo oyendetsera Heathrow akuyenera kusinthidwa
  • Chodetsa nkhaŵa chachikulu ndi kuthekera kwa Border Force kuti athe kuthana ndi kuchuluka kwa okwera, atapatsidwa nthawi yolandirika posachedwa

Manambala okwera okwera mwezi ndi mwezi aku UK adatsika pansi pa 500,000, otsika kwambiri kuyambira 1966, chifukwa chiletso paulendo wonse koma wofunikira, kubindikiritsa bulangeti, kunyamuka asanafike komanso kuyesa kubwera.

Malire apaulendo apaulendo, omwe nthawi zambiri amakhala ndi katundu, amatanthauza kuti katundu wonyamula katundu amakhalabe 30% pachaka, pomwe omenyera ku EU kuphatikiza ma eyapoti a Frankfurt, Paris Charles de Gaulle ndi Schiphol adabwereranso kumtunda wa pre-Covid katundu.

Heathrow akugwira ntchito ndi Prime Travel Taskforce ya Prime Minister kuti athandizire kuyambiranso kuyenda kwamayiko ena pambuyo pa 17th Mulole. Cholinga chikuyenera kukhala chophweka ndikukhazikitsa macheke omwe amafunikira, ndi cholinga chobwerera kuulendo monga kale.

Heathrow tsopano akukonzekera kuyambiranso ntchito mosamala, akugwira ntchito ndi makampani onse kudutsa eyapoti. Chomwe chikudetsa nkhawa kwambiri ndi kuthekera kwa Border Force kuti athe kuthana ndi kuchuluka kwa okwera, potengera nthawi yolandila posachedwa.

CAA ivomereza kuti malamulo oyendetsera Heathrow akuyenera kusinthidwa ndipo tikuyembekeza chisankho m'masabata akudzawa. Kusintha komwe kungathandize kusunga mitengo.

Akuluakulu a Heathrow, a John Holland-Kaye adati: "Kuyendetsa ndege nthawi zonse kwapangitsa kuti chuma cha ku UK chisiye chuma, ndipo tidzachitanso. A Global Travel Taskforce a PM atha kutsogolera njira zotseguliranso maulendo apadziko lonse ndi malonda mosatekeseka - koma nduna ziyenera kudziwa momwe Border Force ikuyendera kuti alendo azilandiridwa ndi manja awiri ku Britain, osati pamzere wa ola limodzi. ”

Chidule cha Magalimoto

February 2021 
Othawira Pokwerera
(Zaka za m'ma 000)
Feb 2021% KusinthaJan mpaka
Feb 2021
% KusinthaMar 2020 mpaka
Feb 2021
% Kusintha
Osati EU37-91.279-90.91,000-82.5
kumpoto kwa Amerika43-96.3129-94.81,485-92.2
Latini Amerika5-95.515-93.0226-83.5
Middle East57-90.3190-85.01,387-82.3
Asia / Pacific95-86.4182-89.21,415-87.4
Maulendo Oyendetsa NdegeFeb 2021% KusinthaJan mpaka
Feb 2021
% KusinthaMar 2020 mpaka
Feb 2021
% Kusintha
Osati EU436-87.51,062-85.110,867-75.1
kumpoto kwa Amerika2,007-67.33,964-69.025,879-69.1
Latini Amerika87-81.2224-76.62,227-62.6
Middle East958-61.32,281-55.413,805-55.1
Asia / Pacific1,560-51.43,179-55.420,592-55.9
(Metric matani)
Feb 2021% KusinthaJan mpaka
Feb 2021
% KusinthaMar 2020 mpaka
Feb 2021
% Kusintha
Osati EU5,963104.211,24378.350,993-5.6
kumpoto kwa Amerika33,245-30.460,993-32.5357,324-36.0
Latini Amerika1,149-67.11,871-74.828,216-47.0
Middle East15,970-21.034,397-14.1205,997-20.7
Asia / Pacific27,196-2.251,586-15.1308,496-31.9


  • The PM's Global Travel Taskforce can lead the way on reopening international travel and trade safely – but ministers must get a grip of Border Force's performance so that visitors get a warm welcome to Britain, not a 6 hour queue.
  • The aim should be to simplify and standardise the checks that are required, with a goal of returning to travel as it used to be.
  • The CAA has acknowledged that Heathrow's regulatory settlement needs to be adjusted and we expect a decision in the coming weeks.

Ponena za wolemba

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson wakhala mkonzi wa ntchito ya eTurboNews kwa zaka zoposa 20. Iye amakhala ku Honolulu, Hawaii, ndipo kwawo ndi ku Ulaya. Amakonda kulemba ndi kufalitsa nkhani.

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