Arab Tourism Organisation and Islamic Corporation for Development of Private Sector sign Memorandum of Understanding

Islamic Corporation for Development of Sector Private and Arab Tourism Organisation isayina Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation
Islamic Corporation for Development of Sector Private and Arab Tourism Organisation isayina Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation
Avatar ya Harry Johnson
Written by Harry Johnson

MOU yasainira kuti ikhazikitse chimango chachitukuko cha gawo la zokopa alendo kudzera pakuthandizira ndalama zapa zokopa alendo mchigawo cha Aarabu


  • Chikumbutsochi chimakwaniritsa zolinga za ICD
  • Njira za ICD zikufuna kulipira ndalama zantchito zachitukuko ndikutukula ntchito ndikulimbikitsa zochitika zokhudzana ndi kulimbikitsa luso
  • Pulogalamuyi ithandizira ntchito zokopa alendo m'maiko achiarabu, ndikulimbikitsa mayiko omwe alibe chitukuko

Motsogozedwa ndi Wolemekezeka Dr.Bandar bin Fahd Al Fahid, Purezidenti wa Arab Tourism Organisation (ATO) - A Ayman Amin Sejiny, CEO wa Islamic Corporation for Development of the Private Sector (ICD), membala wa Islamic Development Bank Group (IDBG), ndi Akuluakulu a Mr. Khaled Murad Reda - Mlembi Wamkulu wa ATO, adasaina chikumbutso chomvetsetsa ndi mgwirizano kuti akhazikitse chimango chachitukuko cha gawo la zokopa alendo kudzera mu ndalama ntchito zokopa alendo m'chigawo cha Aluya, makamaka makamaka m'maiko otukuka achiarabu.

Pa mwambowu, a Ayman Sejiny adalengeza kuti memorandamu iyi ikukwaniritsa zolinga za ICD, zomwe cholinga chake ndikukulitsa ndikukhazikitsa mgwirizano pakati pa mayiko mamembala a Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (kuphatikiza mayiko achiarabu), komanso kuyankha zosowa zawo powonjezera ndalama zothandizira ntchito zachitukuko ndikugwira ntchito zothandizanso zomwe zimalimbikitsa chitukuko cha anthu komanso mabungwe ogwira ntchito. Chikumbutsochi chimayesetsanso kugwiritsa ntchito njira za ICD, zomwe cholinga chake ndikulipira ndalama zantchito zachitukuko ndikulimbikitsa zochitika zokhudzana ndi kulimbikitsa luso, makamaka mabungwe omwe akuyang'anira ntchito yolimbikitsa ndalama ndi malonda m'maiko a IDB. Kuphatikiza apo, Memorandum ikufuna kukhazikitsa mgwirizano pakati pa ICD ndi ATO makamaka momwe zinthu ziliri pano, pomwe gawo la zokopa alendo lakhudzidwa kwambiri ndi zomwe zachitika chifukwa cha kufalikira kwa mliri wa Corona.

Kumbali yake, AL Al Fahid adakondwera kusayina chikalatachi kudzera m'mapulogalamu ndi zokambirana zambiri zomwe zithandizire makampani azokopa alendo mdziko lachiarabu, ndikugogomezera mayiko osatukuka kwambiri malinga ndi anthu wamba komanso wamba Mabungwe ndi ma SME, komanso omwe akulitsa ndalama mu zokopa alendo, omwe akhudzidwa ndi mliri wa Corona. Ananenanso kuti Memorandum ikuphatikiza dongosolo lokhazikitsa zochitika zingapo ndi mapulani omwe adzakonzedwe posachedwa, kuphatikizapo kupanga sukuk, kupereka ndalama zantchito za SME, kuthandizira ntchito zokopa alendo za ATO m'maiko aku Arab kudzera muzandalama komanso zamalamulo, ndikupindula kuchokera kwa omwe amagwirizana nawo pantchito yokonzekera upangiri wamapolojekiti. Kuphatikiza apo, dongosololi limaphatikizapo kutenga nawo gawo pazochitika zandalama zanyumba ndi zachuma mwachindunji kapena kudzera m'maiko ndi mabanki omwe ali mgulu la mabanki ku Africa ndi Arab World kuti atukule madera ndikupanga zokopa alendo zokhazikika.


  • Al Fahid expressed his pleasure to sign this memorandum through which many programs and consultations will be presented that serve and support the tourism industry in the Arab world, with emphasis on less developed countries in terms of their public and private sectors and SMEs, as well as the investors in the tourism sector, who have been affected by the Corona pandemic.
  • Ayman Sejiny declared that this memorandum fulfils the objectives of the ICD, aiming at enhancing and improving the structures and mechanisms of cooperation among the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (including the Arab countries), as well as responding to their needs by extending financing for development projects and carrying out supporting activities that foster human development and institutional efficiency.
  • He  also noted that the Memorandum includes an implementation plan for several activities and projects that will be designed in the near future, comprising issuing sukuk, financing SME projects, financing tourism projects of the ATO’s partners in Arab countries through financial and legal support, and benefiting from its strategic partners in the field of preparing advisory studies for financing projects.

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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson wakhala mkonzi wa ntchito ya eTurboNews kwa zaka zoposa 20. Iye amakhala ku Honolulu, Hawaii, ndipo kwawo ndi ku Ulaya. Amakonda kulemba ndi kufalitsa nkhani.

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