St. Kitts & Nevis: Palibe Malire Pa Chiwerengero cha Apaulendo Apamtunda

St. Kitts & Nevis: Palibe Malire Pa Chiwerengero cha Apaulendo Apamtunda
St. Kitts & Nevis: Palibe Malire Pa Chiwerengero cha Apaulendo Apamtunda
Avatar ya Harry Johnson
Written by Harry Johnson

Ndondomeko zapaulendo woyambiranso maulendo oyendetsa maulendo apamtunda siziyika malire pa kuchuluka kwa okwera kulowa Federation mu sitima yapamadzi.


  • St. Kitts & Nevis adalongosola momveka bwino maulendo apanyanja lero.
  • Blogi ya Royal Caribbean, yolembedwa pa Aug 2, 2021 sinali yolondola.
  • St. Kitts & Nevis yakhala ikugwira ntchito ndi onse omwe akuchita nawo maulendo apanyanja kuti athandizire kubwerera bwino kwaulendo wapanyanja.

Kitts & Nevis lero afotokoza kuti palibe malire pazokwera anthu omwe angalowe mu Federation pa sitima yapamadzi panthawi yotsegulanso gawo lazoyendera alendo.

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St. Kitts & Nevis: Palibe Malire Pa Chiwerengero cha Apaulendo Apamtunda

The Royal Caribbean blog, lolembedwa pa Aug 2, 2021, ponena kuti "St. Kitts adalengeza posachedwa mfundo yatsopano yomwe imangololeza alendo 700 kukaona chilumba chawo pa sitima iliyonse. Kukopa kwa Nyanja pa Ogasiti 8 tsopano kuyendera Philipsburg, St. Maarten m'malo mwake, ”sizinali zolondola.

Nduna Yowona Zokopa alendo, Zamayendedwe ndi Madoko, Wolemekezeka Lindsay FP Grant adati, "Maulendo apanyanja oyambiranso maulendo apaulendo samaika malire pa kuchuluka kwa okwera kulowa Federation mu sitima yapamadzi. Lingaliro la Royal Caribbean loti Allure of the Seas asayende pa doko ku St. Kitts paulendo wawo wa pa August 8, 2021 sichinali chifukwa cha okwera 700 okwera okwera sitima iliyonse. ” 

St. Kitts & Nevis akhala akugwira ntchito Royal Caribbean ndi onse omwe akuchita nawo maulendo apamtunda kuti athandize kubwerera bwino kwaulendo wapanyanja. Federation ikuyembekezera kulandira Kukopa kwa Nyanja ndi zombo zina zapamadzi pomwe kutseguliraku kukupitirira.  


  • Grant noted, “The cruise protocols for the resumption of cruise tourism do not place limits on the number of passengers allowed to enter the Federation on a cruise ship.
  • Nevis today clarified that there are no capacity limitations on the number of passengers that can enter the Federation on a cruise ship during the current phased re-opening of the cruise tourism sector.
  • The Federation looks forward to welcoming the Allure of the Seas and other cruise line vessels as the re-opening continues.

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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson wakhala mkonzi wa ntchito ya eTurboNews kwa zaka zoposa 20. Iye amakhala ku Honolulu, Hawaii, ndipo kwawo ndi ku Ulaya. Amakonda kulemba ndi kufalitsa nkhani.

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