Hans Airways asayina Letter of Intent ya Airbus A330-200 yatsopano

Hans Airways wasayina Letter of Intent pa Airbus A330-200 yake yoyamba
Hans Airways wasayina Letter of Intent pa Airbus A330-200 yake yoyamba
Avatar ya Harry Johnson
Written by Harry Johnson

A330 idzalembetsedwa ngati G-KJAS, kutengera dzina la m'modzi mwamabizinesi oyambilira a Hans Airways, yemwe amakhulupirira zamtundu wake wandege kuyambira pomwe polojekitiyi idakhazikitsidwa mu 2019.


Hans Airways, ndege yatsopano kwambiri ku UK, ikukonzekera kukhazikitsa maulendo opita ku India chaka chino, ikukondwera kulengeza kuti ili ndi ndege yake yoyamba yotetezedwa - kusaina Kalata Yolinga kwa Airbus A330-200 (MSN 950) mu sabata yoyamba ya chaka chatsopano. Ndegeyo yakhala ikugwira ntchito ndi ndege yotsogola ku Europe kuyambira 2008, yokonzedwa m'mapangidwe a makabati awiri, omwe Hans Airways azigwira ndi 275 chuma ndi mipando 24 yachuma.

A330 idzalembetsedwa ngati G-KJAS, kutengera dzina la m'modzi wa Hans Airways' oyendetsa ndalama oyambilira, omwe amakhulupirira zamtundu wake wandege kuyambira pomwe polojekitiyi idakhazikitsidwa mu 2019.

“Ndife okondwa kuti takwanitsa kuchita chinthu chofunika kwambiri chimenechi paulendo wathu wazaka ziwiri,” anatero Hans Airways' CEO Satnam Saini. "Ntchito zathu zomwe zakonzedwa zimayang'ana pa Airbus A330, yodziwika bwino komanso yotakata yoyenda maulendo ataliatali, yabwinonso kunyamula katundu, ndipo ndife othokoza kwa aliyense amene watithandiza kuvomereza mgwirizanowu kumayambiriro kwa chaka chatsopano.

UK base ku Birmingham

Hans Airways alemba ku UK Civil Aviation Authority kuti alandire satifiketi yake ya Air Operator ndipo ali ndi chiyembekezo kuti apeza nthawi yake kuti ayambe ntchito yopezera ndalama chilimwechi. Ndegeyo idzagwira ntchito kumizinda yachiwiri ku India kuchokera ku Birmingham Airport. Kufunsira kwake kwa License Yogwira Ntchito ndi Laisensi ya Njira idasindikizidwa kale ndi UK CAA.

Maphunziro oyendetsa ndege ndi oyendetsa ndege adayamba pa Januware 3

Gulu loyamba la oyendetsa ndege (oyendetsa ndege anayi ndi oyendetsa ndege) adayamba tsiku lawo loyamba lophunzitsidwa Januware 3.rd ku Crawley, UK ndi mnzake wa Hans Airways wophunzitsa maulendo apaulendo a IAGO Flight Training ndi L3 Harris Commercial Aviation poyeserera. Olemba atsopanowa adalandiridwa ndi Satnam Saini, Investor Kirpal Singh Jass, ndi Nathan Burkitt, Director of Flight Operations and Crew Training.


  • Hans Airways has applied to the UK Civil Aviation Authority for its Air Operator's Certificate and is hopeful of obtaining the status in time to start revenue service this summer.
  • “Our scheduled operations center on the Airbus A330, a popular and spacious long-haul widebody, excellent for cargo too, and we are grateful to everyone who has helped us to ratify this agreement at the start of the new year.
  • The A330 will be registered as G-KJAS, adopting the surname of one of Hans Airways' principal early investors, who has believed in its community airline model since the project was conceived in 2019.

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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson wakhala mkonzi wa ntchito ya eTurboNews kwa zaka zoposa 20. Iye amakhala ku Honolulu, Hawaii, ndipo kwawo ndi ku Ulaya. Amakonda kulemba ndi kufalitsa nkhani.

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