Russia Itsegula Mlengalenga pa eyapoti ya St. Petersburg ku Pulkovo

Russia Itsegula Mlengalenga pa eyapoti ya St. Petersburg ku Pulkovo
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Akuluakulu oyendetsa ndege aku Russia adalengeza kuti ulamuliro wa Open Skies udzakhazikitsidwa pa Pulkovo Airport ku St. Petersburg kwa zaka zisanu pa January 1, 2020.

According to Russia’s Ministry of Transport, this initiative will complement the activities of the airport with new routes and expand the geography of flights.

Ndege zochokera kumayiko 22 aku Europe zidawonetsa kufunitsitsa kwawo kuyendetsa ndege pa Seventh Freedom of the Air nthawi yomweyo mu 2020.

Undunawu ukunena kuti chifukwa cha ntchitoyi, "likulu lachiwiri" la Russia likhala lofikirika kwambiri pankhani ya mayendedwe, ndipo gawo lazachuma la St. Petersburg ndi dera lozungulira Leningrad lidzakula bwino.

An Open Skies pa St. Petersburg idzalola bwalo la ndege la mumzindawu kuti lilandire ndege iliyonse padziko lonse lapansi pafupipafupi, mosasamala kanthu za dziko lolembetsedwa.

Zikudziwika kuti kukhazikitsidwa kwa ulamuliro wa Open Skies kwa eyapoti ya Khrabrovo ku Kaliningrad ikukambidwa. Kukhazikitsidwa kwa Ufulu Wachisanu ndi chiwiri wa Air pa mzindawu, womwe udzalole kukhazikitsidwa kwa magalimoto akunja pakati pa mayiko, akuganiziridwanso.


  • The introduction of the Seventh Freedom of the Air over the city, which will allow for the implementation of foreign traffic between states, is also being considered.
  • It is known that the creation of an Open Skies regime for the Khrabrovo airport in Kaliningrad is currently under discussion.
  • According to Russia’s Ministry of Transport, this initiative will complement the activities of the airport with new routes and expand the geography of flights.

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