Nevis amachitapo kanthu popewa matenda a COVID-19

Nevis amachitapo kanthu popewa matenda a COVID-19
Nevis amachitapo kanthu popewa matenda a COVID-19
Avatar ya Linda Hohnholz
Written by Linda Hohnholz

Poganizira zotsatira zapadziko lonse lapansi kachilombo ka corona (COVID-19-XNUMX), Unduna wa Zaumoyo wa Nevis ukufuna kuthetsa mantha ndikutsimikizira anthu aku Nevisian komanso apaulendo opita ku Nevis kuti ikuwopseza kwambiri coronavirus (COVID-19) kwambiri.

Pakali pano palibe milandu yotsimikizika ya COVID-19 ku Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis ndipo boma likuchita zonse zofunika kuti liwonjezere kuyang'anira pamadoko olowera, kuphunzitsa ndi kukonzekeretsa ogwira ntchito zachipatala, komanso kuphunzitsa anthu onse zachitetezo. iwowo, mabanja awo ndi gulu lonse la Nevisian popewa matenda. Undunawu uchitanso zokambirana ndi masukulu, mahotela, mabizinesi ndi mabungwe ena pachilumba chonsechi.

"Alendo akuyenera kudziwa kuti ngakhale palibe milandu ya coronavirus ku Nevis, boma ndi okhudzidwa ndi zokopa alendo pano onse akukhazikitsa njira zomwe World Health Organisation ndi Center, Disease Control, Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) ndi Pan. American Health Organisation (PAHO)," atero a Jadine Yarde, CEO wa Nevis Tourism Authority (NTA). "Tikufuna kutsimikizira alendo kuti tikukulitsa zachilengedwe zathu kuti tilimbitse chitetezo chathu ndikuchitapo kanthu mwachangu kuti tiyankhe chilichonse chomwe chingachitike. Tonse tili mu izi ndipo thanzi la nzika zathu komanso alendo omwe abwera pachilumba chokongolachi ndiye nkhawa yathu yayikulu. ”

Pamene Nevis akupita kukonzekera ndi kuyankha, boma likupitiriza kulimbikitsa ndikutsindika zotsatirazi:

  • Mchitidwe waukhondo m'manja mwa kusamba m'manja pafupipafupi komanso mosamalitsa, komanso kutsokomola kuti muchepetse kufala kwa ma virus opuma.
  • Kutalikirana ndi anthu popewa kuyanjana kwambiri ndi anthu omwe akudwala matenda opumira komanso kukhala kunyumba ngati munthu awonetsa zizindikiro za chimfine.
  • Kudzidziwitsa nokha, apaulendo akubwera/obwerera ku Federation akuyenera kudziwonetsa okha ngati akumva kuti apezeka ndi COVID-19 kapena akudwala
  • Kuyitanira patsogolo kwa dokotala wanu kapena chipatala chofotokoza zizindikiro zanu ndi mbiri iliyonse yaulendo kuti mulole kukonzekera ku ofesi / ku bungwe musanayambe ulendo wanu.

Onse apaulendo omwe ali ndi mafunso akulimbikitsidwa kuti ayang'ane tsamba la World Health Organisation: kapena kulumikizana ndi Nevis Tourism Authority, USA Tel 1.407.287.5204, Canada 1.403.770.6697 kapena tsamba lathu  ndi pa Facebook - Nevis Mwachilengedwe.


  • “Tourists should know that although there are no cases of coronavirus on Nevis, the government and the tourism stakeholders here are all instituting practices recommended by the World Health Organization and the Center, Disease Control, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO),” says Jadine Yarde, CEO of the Nevis Tourism Authority (NTA).
  • In light of the global impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Nevis Ministry of Health wishes to allay fears and assure the Nevisian public and travelers to Nevis that it is taking the threat of the coronavirus (COVID-19) very seriously.
  • Kitts and Nevis and the government is taking all necessary steps to increase surveillance at ports of entry, to train and equip healthcare workers, and to educate the general public about protecting themselves, their families and the wider Nevisian community by preventing infection.

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Linda Hohnholz

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