ICCA imagwirizana ndi Geneva International Association Forum

ICCA imagwirizana ndi Geneva International Association Forum
ICCA imagwirizana ndi Geneva International Association Forum
Avatar ya Harry Johnson
Written by Harry Johnson

The Geneva International Association Msonkhano (GIAF) idakhazikitsidwa ndi ASSOCIATIONWORLD Foundation mogwirizana ndi Geneva Convention Bureau ndi Congrex Switzerland koyambirira kwa chaka chino, zomwe zikuchitika pa 17-18 Seputembara 2020 ku InterContinental Geneva ngati chochitika chamoyo komanso chosakanizidwa.

Mwambo wamasiku awiri womwe akuyembekezeredwa kwambiri uphatikizira oimira mabungwe apadziko lonse lapansi komanso aku Europe, mabungwe omwe siopanga phindu, mabungwe, mabungwe akatswiri ndi NGO ochokera, ndi madera ozungulira Geneva. Cholinga chake chachikulu ndikukhazikitsa nsanja yapachaka yotsogola padziko lonse lapansi yoti agawane nawo chidziwitso m'modzi mwamalo omwe alendo amapezekanso padziko lapansi.

"ICCA monga gulu lapadziko lonse lapansi komanso chidziwitso chamgwirizano wamakampani amisonkhano agwirizana ndi GIAF ndi cholinga chopereka chidziwitso china kwa mamembala a ICCA ndi gulu lamagulu. Kugawana chidziwitso, mgwirizano ndi kukhala wopanga zakhala zofunikira kwambiri kuposa kale. Ndikukhulupirira kuti GIAF iwonetsa ndikuwonetsa momwe gulu lamagulu lingathandizire tsogolo lawo latsopano komanso lokhazikika. " Senthil Gopinath, CEO wa ICCA.

“Mgwirizano wogwirizana ndiwofunika kwambiri kuposa kale. Pokhazikitsa GIAF, tikuyang'ana mgwirizano ndi mgwirizano womwe umamveka bwino komanso umathandizira ntchito ya GIAF. Popeza ICCA ndi mtsogoleri pamisonkhano yapadziko lonse yamabungwe, ndizomveka kuti tigwirizane ndipo tili okondwa kuti ICCA ikuthandizira kupereka magawo okhudzana ndi kuthekera kwatsopano ndi mzati wokhazikika ku GIAF. Kuphatikiza pa chidwi chamaphunziro kumabungwe, ICCA ndi GIAF zimaphatikiza zochitika wamba. Ndife okondwa kuti ICCA ndi gawo la kukhazikitsidwa kwa mtundu woyamba wa GIAF ndipo tikuyembekeza kukulitsa mgwirizano wathu mtsogolomu ”, atero a Kai Troll, Purezidenti wa ASSOCIATIONWORLD komanso mneneri wa GIAF.

Mgwirizanowu umaphatikizaponso kupititsa patsogolo komanso kulumikizana mogwirizana ndi GIAF ndi zomwe zikubwera ku ICCA.



  • With ICCA being a leader in the international meetings industry for associations, it makes natural sense to collaborate and we are delighted that ICCA helps deliver sessions related to the events innovation and sustainability pillar at GIAF.
  • We are delighted that ICCA is part of the launch of the first edition of GIAF and we are looking forward to expand our partnership in the future”, says Kai Troll, President of ASSOCIATIONWORLD and spokesperson of GIAF.
  • The Geneva International Association Forum (GIAF) was launched by the ASSOCIATIONWORLD Foundation in collaboration with the Geneva Convention Bureau and Congrex Switzerland earlier this year, now taking place on 17-18 September 2020 at the InterContinental Geneva as a live and hybrid event.

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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson wakhala mkonzi wa ntchito ya eTurboNews kwa zaka zoposa 20. Iye amakhala ku Honolulu, Hawaii, ndipo kwawo ndi ku Ulaya. Amakonda kulemba ndi kufalitsa nkhani.

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