Kufika Kwapachaka Kwa alendo ku Bhutan Kufikira 78 Thousand

Since tourism reopened on September 23 last year, over 78,000 tourists have visited the country, but this falls short of the government’s target of 95,000 visitors in a year. Out of these tourists, only 24,266 were USD-paying, with 10,549 at the old SDF rate of USD 65, and 13,717 paying the revised SDF of USD…

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  • Kuyambira pomwe ntchito zokopa alendo zidatsegulidwanso pa Seputembara 23 chaka chatha, alendo opitilira 78,000 adayendera dzikolo, koma izi zikulephera kukwaniritsa cholinga cha boma cha alendo 95,000 pachaka.
  • Out of these tourists, only 24,266 were USD-paying, with 10,549 at the old SDF rate of USD 65, and 13,717 paying the revised SDF of USD….
  • Izi ndi za olembetsa UFULU SUBSCRIPTION okha.


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