Masamba a Budapest Airport a S17 okhala ndi Wizz Air

Atatsimikizira kale njira zatsopano za 22 mu 2017, ndege yaikulu ya Budapest Airport idzakulitsa kwambiri ntchito zake kuchokera pachipata cha Hungary chaka chino. Powonjezera maulalo 12 atsopano, chonyamulira chotsika mtengo kwambiri (ULCC) chidzapereka malo 62 kuchokera ku eyapoti ya likulu la dziko la Hungary, ndikupereka mipando pafupifupi 4.5 miliyoni kuchokera ku Budapest chaka chonse.

Kukhazikitsa kuyambika kwa ndandanda yachilimwe ya Budapest, Wizz Air idayamba ntchito yake kawiri pa sabata ku Faro pa 1 Epulo. Tsopano popereka mipando 122,000 pa S17 kupita ku Portugal, Budapest yawona kuwonjezeka kwa 140% kwa ntchito za Chipwitikizi m'miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayo. ULCC sichikumana ndi mpikisano wachindunji pa ntchito yake yatsopano kudera la Algarve pomwe ulalo umalumikizana ndi zomwe zikuchitika ku Lisbon ndi Porto.

Kupitiliza kuthandizira chitukuko cha nyumba yake, Wizz Air yakhazikitsa ntchito zina ziwiri zatsopano lero. Kubwezeretsanso ulalo wachindunji wa Budapest ku Hannover ndi ntchito kanayi pamlungu, ntchito yatsopanoyi idzakwaniritsa kuchuluka kwa magalimoto osalunjika omwe adalembedwa kuchokera kuderali. ULCC yayambanso ulendo wake woyamba wopita ku Norway kuchokera ku Hungary, kuyamba ntchito yake kawiri pamlungu kupita ku Bergen pambuyo pa kuchuluka kwa apaulendo aku Hungary omwe adasankha nthawi yopuma mumzinda waku Norway chaka chatha.

Pambuyo pake sabata ino Budapest ilandila kulumikizana kwa Wizz Air ku Lamezia Terme. Kuwona kuwonjezeka kofulumira kwa kutchuka kwa Italy ngati malo opumira, ntchito ya ULCC yomwe ikuyamba pa 12 April, idzakhala chiyanjano choyamba cha Budapest ku mzinda wa Italy ku dera la Calabria.


  • Seeing a rapid increase in the popularity of Italy as a leisure destination, the ULCC's operation commencing 12 April, will be Budapest's first direct link to the Italian city in the Calabria region.
  • The ULCC faces no direct competition on its new service to the Algarve region as the link joins its existing operations to Lisbon and Porto.
  • Reinstating Budapest's direct link to Hannover with a four times weekly service, the new operation will satisfy the high volume of indirect traffic recorded from the region.

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Nell Alcantara

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