Hawaii ndiye dziko lovutitsa kwambiri ku US kukhalamo

Massachusetts came in first as the least stressful place to work, having the second highest minimum wage of any state, at $13.50 per hour, as well as the highest dollars per hour earnt, estimating $35.76. The state ranked relatively poorly on the three other sub-categories, and therefore ranks as the 34th least stressful place overall.

Nebraska is the least stressful state when related to money, which helps make it the third least stressful overall. The state has the second lowest debt per capita, as well as relatively low house listing prices and monthly rent – $328,872 average house price and monthly rental price of $726.

Alaska has the fewest health related stresses, with the third most mental health facilities per capita, as well as ranking highly on physical activity and adequate sleep of the population, the state also has some of the lowest work travel time. The state ranked low in stressful conditions on other sub-categories, such as money and environmental factors, leading to its 21st ranking overall.

Maine ranked as the least stressful state for environmental related stress. The state boasts the fourth best highway system in America, as well as the highest percentage of tree coverage, at 89.5% of the state. Maine is ranked the second least stressful state, ranking in the top half of the least stressful conditions for work related stress, and third in the least stressful conditions for health related stress.


Ponena za wolemba

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson wakhala mkonzi wa ntchito ya eTurboNews kwa zaka zoposa 20. Iye amakhala ku Honolulu, Hawaii, ndipo kwawo ndi ku Ulaya. Amakonda kulemba ndi kufalitsa nkhani.

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