How to Generate an Interesting Title for Your Essay?

Image courtesy of Markus Winkler from | eTurboNews | | eTN
Image courtesy of Markus Winkler from Pixabay
Written by Linda Hohnholz

This is a common writer’s problem. They write good content, they write the essay, they edit, they proofread and edit, they edit and edit. With this many edits, you’re bound to get some things wrong. In an essay’s editing process, there are a number of important factors to consider: First: Are you sure about your idea? Is it perfect? If it’s not absolutely perfect, don’t write it.

The point of writing an essay isn’t to be perfectly polished, nor is it to be simply neat and tidy. The point is to be well-written. It is all about thinking critically. You have to think outside of the box and to come up with ideas that warrant the reader’s curiosity and interest.

The title is the first thing that gets read. And it is usually the most important part of your essay. You have to think critically about your own knowledge and abilities so that you can come up with an interesting title for your essay.

This article will provide you with tips on how you can come up with ideas for an essay.

Determine an excellent essay question/topic

Make sure that your idea is sound and clear: The more you want to be remembered, the more you will focus on the quality of your essay. When creating an idea for an essay, one should consider whether it is in line with certain expectations of a certain audience or not, which will determine its suitability for a particular audience to read about them.

An essay is a great writing task. It requires you to communicate with different audiences and persuade them to learn more about your subject. You have to include facts, data, details and background information that will make the reader think about your topic.

The content should be relevant to the topic

You need to generate an interesting essay that fits your concerns. You need to make sure that the topic is relevant and not too broad, and should address a problem that is important to you with the right tone and sense of urgency.

Students often have difficulty in answering the essay questions. There are websites that write essays for free, they can help students by giving them free help on a given topic and show them where to start with formatting and structure of their essays.

Use unconventional brainstorming techniques

The title that captures your readers’ attention before reading your entire essay will help them to read more of what you have written. By using unconventional brainstorming techniques, an essay title can be made truly innovative.

  • Writing for a certain period of time e.g for half an hour or just 10 minutes and not letting yourself stop.
  • Looking at the topic from someone else’s perspective can highlight a fresh approach
  • Use an abstract noun– such as happiness, love, curiosity, hope and use it to the things or ideas you’re looking at.

This unconventional brainstorming technique is usually applied in the preparation phase before writing a paper. It might sound counterintuitive, but it works best when used in combination with other brainstorming techniques such as sentence structure analysis, sentence case analysis


  • When creating an idea for an essay, one should consider whether it is in line with certain expectations of a certain audience or not, which will determine its suitability for a particular audience to read about them.
  • You need to make sure that the topic is relevant and not too broad, and should address a problem that is important to you with the right tone and sense of urgency.
  • Looking at the topic from someone else's perspective can highlight a fresh approachUse an abstract noun– such as happiness, love, curiosity, hope and use it to the things or ideas you're looking at.


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Linda Hohnholz

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