Kenya Airways kutenga nawo gawo mu dongosolo la EU lotulutsa mpweya

It was learned that Kenya Airways has joined hands with the UK environmental agency by submitting an emissions management plan aimed at reducing its carbon footprint in coming years considerably.

It was learned that Kenya Airways has joined hands with the UK environmental agency by submitting an emissions management plan aimed at reducing its carbon footprint in coming years considerably. The EU has passed legislation about an emissions reduction scheme and even airlines, both from within the EU and those flying to the EU, will be required from a certain date onwards to participate in a carbon emissions trading program, which will allow airlines to purchase carbon credits against its calculated emissions.

Kenya Airways is thought to be the leader amongst African airlines towards this scheme and has already entered into subsequent agreements with IATA.

Meanwhile, it was also confirmed by sources in Nairobi that Kenya Airways is now the designated airline for air connections to Singapore, with Singapore Airlines being the other designated airline under the bilateral air services agreement. While no direct flights are available at present, it is understood that SIA has, on several occasions in the past, seriously looked at Nairobi as a springboard into Africa, but for reasons never fully revealed, none of those past efforts has come to a successful conclusion.

With the world economy picking up again, there are now new opportunities for direct air links between the two countries, and as usual it will be the early bird catching the worms, i.e., passengers and cargo shipments.


  • The EU has passed legislation about an emissions reduction scheme and even airlines, both from within the EU and those flying to the EU, will be required from a certain date onwards to participate in a carbon emissions trading program, which will allow airlines to purchase carbon credits against its calculated emissions.
  • While no direct flights are available at present, it is understood that SIA has, on several occasions in the past, seriously looked at Nairobi as a springboard into Africa, but for reasons never fully revealed, none of those past efforts has come to a successful conclusion.
  • Meanwhile, it was also confirmed by sources in Nairobi that Kenya Airways is now the designated airline for air connections to Singapore, with Singapore Airlines being the other designated airline under the bilateral air services agreement.


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Linda Hohnholz

Mkonzi wamkulu kwa eTurboNews zochokera ku eTN HQ.

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