Kuwerenga kwa Zachilengedwe ndi Zanyengo - The Caribbean ikuchitapo kanthu


As the world pauses to celebrate Earth Day today, the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) is pleased to declare its support for actions that make a difference. It is no secret that the very foundation of Caribbean tourism is our unparalleled natural environment; one that is rich in biodiversity, is virtually unpolluted, boasts landscapes that draw…

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  • It is no secret that the very foundation of Caribbean tourism is our unparalleled natural environment.
  • Pamene dziko likuyima kaye kukondwerera Tsiku la Dziko Lapansi lero, bungwe la Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) ndilokondwa kulengeza kuti likuthandiza pazochitika zomwe zimapanga kusiyana.
  • One that is rich in biodiversity, is virtually unpolluted, boasts landscapes that draw….


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Wachinyamata T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz wakhala akugwirabe ntchito zapaulendo komanso zokopa alendo kuyambira ali wachinyamata ku Germany (1977).
Iye adayambitsa eTurboNews mu 1999 ngati nkhani yoyamba yapaintaneti yantchito zapaulendo padziko lonse lapansi.

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