Mtendere Kudzera Kokopa: Chotsatira ndi Chiyani?

The International Institute for Peace Through Tourism (IIPT) idakhazikitsidwa zaka 35 zapitazo ndi Louis D'Amore.

IIPT ikutsogolera zokambirana zapadziko lonse lapansi pazantchito zokopa alendo ndi mtendere.

The World Tourism Network anawonjezera gulu la chidwi pa Peace Through Tourism motsogozedwa ndi IIPT Woyambitsa ndi Purezidenti Louis D'Amore. Zonse WTN mamembala atha kutenga nawo mbali:

Juergen Steinmetz, woyambitsa wa World Tourism Network, anati: “Ndife okondwa kugwira ntchito limodzi ndi Louis D’Amore ndi IIPT ndipo ndife onyadira kutenga nawo mbali pagulu lofunikali ndikusonyeza mmene zokopa alendo zimagwirizanirana ndi mtendere.”

Kukumbukira Zaka 35 Zamtendere Kudzera mu Ntchito Zokopa alendo

Zaka 35 IIPT: Njira Yotsogola!

Lero, gulu lapadziko lonse la Tourism Peacemakers lapereka ndemanga pazokambirana za maola 2 1/2 zomwe zidachitidwa ndi World Tourism Network ndi eTurboNews.

Maulaliki adaperekedwa ndi:

  • Don King, membala wa Board ya IIPT - Syrian Refugee Community Center, Jordan  
  • Dr.Taleb Rifai, Syrian Refugee Community Center, Jordan (woyitanidwa kuti apereke ndemanga)
  • Louis D'Amore, Woyambitsa IIPT ndi Purezidenti - IIPT Global Peace Parks Project
  • Maga Ramasamy, Purezidenti, IIPT Indian Ocean Islands Chaputala - Ulendo Wokhazikika ndi Wodalirika ndi Ulendo
  • Mayi Mmatsatsi (otchedwa MaChachee), Purezidenti, IIPT Southern Africa Chapter yatsopano
  • Andreas Larentzakis, Malo Oyendera Amtendere a IIPT
  • Ajay Prakash, IPT Executive VP ndi Purezidenti, IIPT India - Community Farm Project
  • Nikki Rose, Mtendere ndi Chakudya
  • Diana McIntyre Pike, Purezidenti, IIPT Caribbean - Community Tourism
  • Gail Parsonage, Purezidenti, IIPT Australia
  • Kiran Yadov, Wachiwiri kwa Purezidenti ndi Co-Founder, IIPT India
  • Fabio Carbone, Kazembe wa IIPT Wamkulu ndi Purezidenti, IIPT Iran - Phwando Lamtendere; Ntchito Yakale ya IIPT

The Peace Through Tourism Discussion lero inali gawo la zochitika zotsatsira World Tourism Network.

Zambiri pa World Tourism Network (WTN):

World Tourism Network (WTM) idakhazikitsidwa ndi
Mtendere Kudzera Kokopa: Chotsatira ndi Chiyani?


  • Mmatsatsi (pronounced MaChachee), President, newly-formed IIPT Southern Africa ChapterAndreas Larentzakis, IIPT Peace Travelers PlatformAjay Prakash, IIPT Executive VP and President, IIPT India – Community Farm ProjectNikki Rose, Peace with FoodDiana McIntyre Pike, President, IIPT Caribbean – Community TourismGail Parsonage, President, IIPT AustraliaKiran Yadov, Vice President and Co-Founder, IIPT IndiaFabio Carbone, IIPT Ambassador at Large and President, IIPT Iran – Festival of Peace.
  • “We’re pleased to work with Louis D’Amore and IIPT and are proud to play a part of this important movement and show how tourism connects to peace.
  • The World Tourism Network added an interest group on Peace Through Tourism under the leadership of IIPT Founder and President Louis D’Amore.

Ponena za wolemba

Wachinyamata T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz wakhala akugwirabe ntchito zapaulendo komanso zokopa alendo kuyambira ali wachinyamata ku Germany (1977).
Iye adayambitsa eTurboNews mu 1999 ngati nkhani yoyamba yapaintaneti yantchito zapaulendo padziko lonse lapansi.

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