American Airlines iyambiranso ntchito ya Miami-Antigua


Unduna wa zokopa alendo ndi Investment ku Antigua ndi Barbuda limodzi ndi Tourism Authority mdzikolo alengeza kuti ayambiranso kugwira ntchito ndi American Airlines kupita ndi kuchokera ku Miami kutsatira kuyimitsa kwakanthawi koyendetsa ndege ndi Boma la US la ndege zogwiritsa ntchito ndege ya 737 Max 8. Ndege yotembenukira ku Miami ndi New York igwira ntchito mawa Marichi 15 ndi ndege ya 737/800 nthawi ya 1:11 pm kupita ku New York ndi 3:05 pm ku Miami motsatana.

Minister of Tourism & Investment ku Antigua ndi Barbuda, a Hon. Charles 'Max' Fernandez, akuti iyi ndi nkhani yabwino kwa oyang'anira zokopa alendo komanso ogulitsa mahotela. “Tikuthokoza alendowa chifukwa cha kuleza mtima kwawo ndi kumvetsetsa kwawo pamene tinkagwira ntchito ndi akuluakulu a zandege ndi ofesi ya American Airlines yakumaloko, kuonetsetsa kuti amene panopa ali ku Antigua ndi Barbuda apatsidwa njira zina zoti abwerere kwawo bwinobwino akadzapita kutchuthi. ,” akutero Fernandez.

Panthawi ya kusokonezeka kwa ntchito ku American Airlines, akuluakulu oyendetsa ntchito zokopa alendo adakambirana ndi ntchito za American Airlines za m'deralo pamodzi ndi Caribbean Airlines, Seaborne ndi LIAT kuti afufuze njira zonse zothandizira kupititsa patsogolo maulendo opita ku Puerto Rico, Jamaica, ndi St. Kitts.

Antigua and Barbuda Ministry of Tourism and Investment pamodzi ndi Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority adakali odzipereka pachitetezo cha alendo omwe akupita kumalo komwe akupita. Kuyambiranso kwa ntchito pachipata chofunikira cha dziko la Miami ndikofunikira kuti apitilize kukula kwamphamvu kwa ofika ndege aku US, omwe Antigua ndi Barbuda akhala akukumana nawo kwa miyezi iwiri yoyambirira ya 2019.

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  • Ngati muli ndi zambiri zowonjezera zowonjezera, zoyankhulana zidzawonetsedwa eTurboNews, ndipo anaonedwa ndi anthu oposa 2 Miliyoni amene amaŵerenga, kumvetsera, ndi kutiwonera m’zinenero 106 Dinani apa
  • Malingaliro ena ankhani? Dinani apa


  • The Antigua and Barbuda Ministry of Tourism and Investment along with the country's Tourism Authority has announced the resumption of service by American Airlines to and from Miami following the temporary grounding of flights by the US Government of airlines using the 737 Max 8 aircraft.
  • The Antigua and Barbuda Ministry of Tourism and Investment along with the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority remain committed to the safety of visitors traveling to the destination.
  • “We thank the visitors for their patience and understanding as we worked with the local civil aviation authority and the local American Airlines office, to ensure that those currently in Antigua and Barbuda were provided with alternative routes for comfortably returning to their home countries following their vacation,” notes Fernandez.


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