WHO: Nthawi yoti alandire katemera waku Europe ndi pano

WHO: Nthawi yoti alandire katemera waku Europe ndi pano
WHO: Nthawi yoti alandire katemera waku Europe ndi pano
Written by Harry Johnson

Kumayambiriro kwa Novembala, bungwe la WHO linachenjeza kuti Europe inali "pachiyambi" cha mliri wa COVID-19.

Malinga ndi mkulu Bungwe la World Health Organization (WHO) Akuluakulu, Europe iyenera kuganizira mozama za kukhazikitsa katemera wovomerezeka ku coronavirus, potengera kuyambiranso kwaposachedwa kwa COVID-19 ku kontinenti.

Woyang'anira wamkulu wa WHO ku Europe, a Robb Butler, adati inali "nthawi yoti tikambirane kuchokera kwa munthu payekha komanso malinga ndi kuchuluka kwa anthu. Ndi mtsutso wabwino kukhala nawo.”

Butler anawonjezera, komabe, kuti "maudindo otere abwera chifukwa cha kudalirana, kuphatikizana ndi anthu" m'mbuyomu.

Kumayambiriro kwa mwezi wa November, a WHO anachenjeza kuti Europe "ndi pachimake" cha mliri wa COVID-19, pomwe koyambirira kwa sabata ino, akuluakulu azaumoyo padziko lonse lapansi adati kontinentiyi ndi 60% ya matenda a COVID-19 padziko lapansi komanso kufa sabata yatha. The WHO akukhulupirira kuti chiwopsezo cha kufa kwa mliriwu ku Europe chitha kufika 2 miliyoni pofika Marichi 2022, ngati kufalikira kwa kachilomboka kukupitilirabe.

Komabe, mkulu wakale wa dipatimenti ya zaumoyo ya amayi, ana ndi achinyamata a WHO, a Anthony Costello, analangiza maboma kuti achitepo kanthu mosamala pankhani yokakamiza katemera kuopa “kuthamangitsa anthu ambiri amene sakhulupirira boma ndi katemera.” M'malo momalamula komanso kutseka, adalimbikitsa njira ngati kuvala chigoba komanso kugwira ntchito kunyumba.

Ku Europe konse, anthu 57% okha ndi omwe ali ndi katemera wa COVID-19, malinga ndi ziwerengero zoperekedwa ndi tsamba la Our World in Data.

Lachisanu lapitali, a Chancellor waku Austria, Alexander Schallenberg, katemera wolengezedwa adzakhala wovomerezeka kwa anthu onse okhalamo, kuletsa omwe ali oyenerera kulandira chithandizo kuyambira pa February 1, 2022. Amene akukana kuwombera akhoza kuyembekezera chindapusa chokwera, malinga ndi malipoti ofalitsa nkhani. Komabe, sipanakhalepo chigamulo chokhudza zaka zenizeni zomwe anthu a ku Austrian adzafunikire kuti alandire katemera. Austria ndi dziko loyamba ku Europe kukakamiza anthu kuti achite izi, pomwe mayiko ena ambiri ku kontinentiyi akupanga katemera wovomerezeka kwa ogwira ntchito ena okha, azachipatala ndi ogwira ntchito zaboma ali oyamba pamzere. 

Komabe, pali mayiko ochepa padziko lonse lapansi omwe alamulanso kuti katemera wa COVID-19 akhale nzika zawo zonse. Indonesia inatenga sitepeyo mu February, ndipo Micronesia ndi Turkmenistan zinatsatira chitsanzo m’chilimwe.


  • In early November, the WHO warned that Europe was “at the epicenter” of the COVID-19 pandemic, while earlier this week, the global health authority said the continent accounted for 60% of the world's COVID-19 infections and deaths in the last week.
  • However, the former director of the WHO's Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Department, Anthony Costello, advised governments to tread carefully on making vaccination mandatory for fear of “repelling a lot of people who lack trust in government and vaccines.
  • Austria is the first country in Europe to impose the sweeping mandates, with most other nations on the continent so far making vaccination mandatory for certain employees only, with healthcare and public workers being first in line.


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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson wakhala mkonzi wa ntchito ya eTurboNews kwa zaka zoposa 20. Iye amakhala ku Honolulu, Hawaii, ndipo kwawo ndi ku Ulaya. Amakonda kulemba ndi kufalitsa nkhani.

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