German National Tourist Board ilowa nawo Global Sustainable Tourism Council

Germany - chithunzi mwachilolezo cha
Germany - chithunzi mwachilolezo cha
Written by Linda Hohnholz

Bungwe la Germany National Tourist Board lidalimbitsa ntchito yake yokhazikika padziko lonse lapansi pokhala membala wa Global Sustainable Tourism Council.


The Bungwe la Germany National Tourist Board (GNTB) walowa nawo bungwe la Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). Utsogoleri wa bungwe logwira ntchito padziko lonse lapansi watsimikizira kuvomera kwa German National Tourist Board.

Petra Hedorfer, Wapampando wa GNTB Executive Board, adalongosola kuti: "Monga malo oyendera, Germany yamanga kale chithunzi chokhazikika chokhazikika mzaka zaposachedwa. Malinga ndi gulu la GNTB Travel Industry Expert Panel la Q4 2023, 79 peresenti ya ma CEO ndi maakaunti ofunikira pamakampani oyendayenda padziko lonse lapansi amawona dziko la Germany ngati malo okhazikika, pomwe 62 peresenti yotsatsa amapita ku Germany poganizira izi.

"Mgwirizanowu umathandizira kusinthanitsa zokumana nazo ndi mamembala anzathu a GSTC, zomwe zimatilola kuwonetsa zokopa alendo ku Germany padziko lonse lapansi. Komanso, tikudzipereka kugawana nzeru ndi chidziwitso chomwe tapeza potenga nawo gawo mu mapulogalamu a GSTC ndi mabungwe athu oyendera alendo aku Germany kuti tilimbikitse malo athu otsogola okhazikika oyendera alendo."

Bungwe la German National Tourist Board (GNTB) limagwira ntchito m’malo mwa Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action kuti liimire dziko la Germany ngati malo oyendera alendo ndipo limalandira ndalama ndi Undunawu mogwirizana ndi chigamulo chomwe bungwe la Germany Bundestag linapanga. Pogwira ntchito limodzi ndi makampani oyendayenda a ku Germany ndi ogwira nawo ntchito zapadera komanso mabungwe amalonda, GNTB imapanga njira ndi malonda otsatsa malonda kuti apititse patsogolo chithunzithunzi chabwino cha Germany kunja kwa dziko ngati ulendo wopita komanso kulimbikitsa alendo kuti aziyendera dziko.

Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) ndi bungwe lopanda phindu lomwe linakhazikitsidwa mu 2008 ndi World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), NGO Rainforest Alliance ndi United Nations Foundation. GSTC imatanthauzira mfundo zoyambira zachitukuko chokhazikika mumakampani oyendayenda ndi zokopa alendo padziko lonse lapansi. Njira za GSTC izi zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pa maphunziro ndi maphunziro, kukonza ndondomeko, monga chitsogozo cha kuyeza ndi kuyang'anira njira komanso ngati maziko a certification.


  • The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) works on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action to represent Germany as a tourist destination and is funded by the Ministry in accordance with a decision taken by the German Bundestag.
  • According to the GNTB Travel Industry Expert Panel for Q4 2023, 79 percent of CEOs and key accounts in the international travel industry perceive Germany as a sustainable destination, with 62 percent consciously marketing travel offers to Germany with this in mind.
  • Working closely with the German travel industry and private-sector partners and trade associations, the GNTB develops strategies and marketing campaigns to promote Germany's positive image abroad as a travel destination and to encourage tourists to visit the country.

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Linda Hohnholz

Mkonzi wamkulu kwa eTurboNews zochokera ku eTN HQ.

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