New York ikuwona kubwerera kwa ndege kuchokera ku Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro CVB ndi anzawo adakondwerera kubwerera kwa njira ya American Airlines pakati pa Galeão (RJ) ndi John F. Kennedy (NY) ndege zapadziko lonse lapansi. Ndegeyo, yomwe idayimitsidwa mu 2019, idayambiranso Loweruka (29) ndikulonjeza kuti ikhala gawo lofunikira pakusunga msika waku North America. Kuwonetsa kubwerera, Bungwe la Rio Convention and Visitors Bureau (Rio CVB) lidachita chochitika ku Fasano New York Restaurant, "Rio ikudikirirani", ntchito yogwirizana ndi American Airlines ndi RIOgaleão, yolunjika kwa alendo amalonda aku America. Kumapeto kwa sabata yapitayi, bungweli lidatenga nawo gawo pa New York International Travel Show (NYTIS), chiwonetsero chatsopano chofunikira kwambiri.


  • To mark the return, the Rio Convention and Visitors Bureau (Rio CVB) held an event at Fasano New York Restaurant, the “Rio waits for you”, a joint action with American Airlines and RIOgaleão, aimed at American trade guests.
  • The flight, suspended in 2019, resumed operations on Saturday (29) and promises to be an important step towards retaining the North American market.
  • This past weekend, the entity also participated in the New York International Travel Show (NYTIS), an important new travel show.


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Linda Hohnholz

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