Odwala a Khansa Yam'mawere Oyambirira Tsopano Atha Kupewa Chemotherapy

A GWIRITSANI KwaulereKutulutsidwa 1 | eTurboNews | | eTN

Mu phunziroli, amayi omwe ali ndi matenda a postmenopausal omwe ali ndi 1 mpaka 3 abwino ndi zotsatira za Recurrence Score® za 0 mpaka 25 sanasonyeze phindu lililonse kuchokera ku chemotherapy pambuyo pa zaka zapakati pazaka zisanu zotsatiridwa, kutanthauza kuti angathe kupewa zotsatira zoipa za mankhwala.

Exact Sciences Corp. lero adalengeza kuti deta yochokera ku Rx for Positive Node, Endocrine Responsive Breast Cancer, kapena RxPONDER, mayesero adasindikizidwa mu The New England Journal of Medicine.i Phunziroli, motsogozedwa ndi SWOG Cancer Research Network yodziimira payekha komanso mothandizidwa ndi The New England Journal of Medicine. National Cancer Institute (NCI), idafotokoza bwino za phindu la chemotherapy koyambirira, odwala khansa ya m'mawere omwe ali ndi Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score® zotsatira za 0 mpaka 25. Zotsatira zoyamba kuchokera ku RxPONDER zidanenedwa ku 2020 San Antonio Cancer Cancer. Symposium (SABCS). Zomwe zapeza tsopano zatsimikiziridwa m'buku lowunikiridwa ndi anzawo.

Chofunika kwambiri, palibe phindu la chemotherapy lomwe lidawonedwa mosasamala kuchuluka kwa node zomwe zakhudzidwa, kalasi ya chotupa kapena kukula kwake. M'mayi omwe ali ndi premenopausal omwe ali ndi 1 mpaka 3 node zabwino, phindu lalikulu la chemotherapy lidawonedwa.

Pafupifupi gawo limodzi mwa magawo atatu a odwala omwe amapezeka kuti ali ndi khansa ya m'mawere yoyambirira ya HER2 receptor receptor (HR) ali ndi chotupa chomwe chafalikira kumatenda awo. Ambiri mwa odwalawa pakali pano amalandira mankhwala a chemotherapyii ngakhale pafupifupi 85% a iwo ali ndi zotsatira za Recurrence Score za 0 mpaka 25.iii Kuphatikiza apo, pafupifupi awiri mwa atatu odwala khansa ya m'mawere aang'ono kwambiri ali ndi postmenopausal.iv

Kutengera zotsatira za RxPONDER, National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®)v yasintha malangizo ake a khansa ya m'mawere ndipo idazindikira mayeso a Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score ngati mayeso okhawo omwe angagwiritsidwe ntchito kulosera za phindu la chemotherapy m'mawere achichepere. odwala khansa omwe ali ndi 1 mpaka 3 abwino axillary lymph nodes, kuphatikizapo micrometastases.vi Mayeso a Oncotype DX tsopano ndi mayeso okhawo omwe amadziwika kuti "okondedwa" omwe ali ndi umboni wapamwamba kwambiri wa node-negative ndi postmenopausal node-positive (1 mpaka 3 positive node). ) odwala. Kuphatikiza apo, NCCN imalimbikitsa kulingalira za mayeso kuti awone momwe matendawa alili kwa odwala omwe ali ndi premenopausal node-positive omwe akufuna kulandira chithandizo chamankhwala.

Mmodzi mwa mayesero akuluakulu azachipatala mu node-positive, HR-positive, HER2-negative oyambirira khansa ya m'mawere, RxPONDER inalembetsa amayi oposa 5,000 omwe ali ndi ma node atatu abwino. Kafukufuku woyembekezeredwa, wopangidwa mwachisawawa wa Phase III adachitika pamasamba a 632 m'maiko asanu ndi anayi - United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Ireland, France, Spain, South Korea ndi Saudi Arabia. Azimayi omwe ali ndi Recurrence Score zotsatira za 0 mpaka 25 adasinthidwa mwachisawawa kuti athandizidwe ndi mankhwala a mahomoni okha kapena chemotherapy yotsatiridwa ndi mankhwala a mahomoni. Odwala osankhidwa mwachisawawa adasinthidwa malinga ndi zotsatira zawo za Recurrence Score, mawonekedwe a menopausal komanso mtundu wa opaleshoni ya lymph node. Kusanthula kwina ndi kutsata kwa odwala kumakonzedwa ndi ofufuza a SWOG.


  • Based on the RxPONDER results, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®)v updated its guidelines for breast cancer and recognized the Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score test as the only test that can be used for prediction of chemotherapy benefit in early-stage breast cancer patients with 1 to 3 positive axillary lymph nodes, including micrometastases.
  • I The study, led by the independent SWOG Cancer Research Network and sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), successfully defined the benefit of chemotherapy in early-stage, node-positive breast cancer patients with Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score® results of 0 to 25.
  • Women with a Recurrence Score result of 0 to 25 were randomized to treatment with hormone therapy alone or chemotherapy followed by hormone therapy.


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Linda Hohnholz, mkonzi wa eTN

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