Malo oyendera alendo aku Russia ku Svalbard

The Russian mining ghost town of Pyramiden on Arctic Svalbard will soon be developed into a new Russian tourist center, according to NRK.

Pyramiden (the pyramid) was the largest Russian community on Svalbard until 1998, when it was closed down and left within a short time.

The Russian mining ghost town of Pyramiden on Arctic Svalbard will soon be developed into a new Russian tourist center, according to NRK.

Pyramiden (the pyramid) was the largest Russian community on Svalbard until 1998, when it was closed down and left within a short time.
Since then it has been a ghost town, but complete with staff accommodation, hotel, cultural center and the mining facilities.

However, after a visit by the Russian Spitzbergen Commission to Svalbard last fall, there are now signals that the Russians want to re-open the mine, resume research and open for tourism on the artic archipelago, NRK reports.

The first goal is to refurbish the hotel, with electricity, heating and water before the tourist season starts, says the Russian mining director Boris Nagajuk.

It is expected that the Russians will shortly submit their plans to the Norwegian Provincial Governor on Svalbard for approval.


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Linda Hohnholz

Mkonzi wamkulu kwa eTurboNews zochokera ku eTN HQ.

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