AHLA ikufuna Malamulo a Kusintha Kwanyengo kuti ateteze Ogulitsa Mahotela aku US

Nthawi ndi Kukhazikitsa

5. Ndondomeko yanthawi yokhazikitsidwa ndi SEC ndi yankhanza kwambiri ndipo sapereka nthawi yokwanira kwa mamembala a AHLA kuti agwirizane mokwanira ndi zomwe Lamulo likunena. Kukhazikitsidwa kwa Lamuloli kuyenera kuchedwetsedwa kwa zaka ziwiri.

Pakukambitsirana kwake, SEC ikuphatikiza ndondomeko yotsatirira yomwe imatenga tsiku logwira ntchito la Disembala 2022.

Malinga ndi nthawiyi, mafayilo akuluakulu omwe amafulumizitsa adzanena za zoopsa zonse zokhudzana ndi nyengo komanso zotulutsa za Scopes 1 ndi 2 kuyambira 2024 mchaka chachuma cha 2023.

Izi zingafunike kuti olembetsawo ayambe kusonkhanitsa ndi kusanthula deta kuyambira Januware 2023, kutengera nthawi yomwe chaka chawo chachuma chidzayamba, zomwe zimafuna kuti olembetsa ayambe kukonzekera tsopano lamulo lomaliza lisanatulutsidwe.

Olembetsa adzafunsidwa kuti asonkhanitse zidziwitso kwa zaka ngakhale kale kuposa 2023 pazowulula zawo zandalama.

Nthawi yoyendetsera ntchitoyi ndi yovuta kwambiri ndipo imalephera kuwerengera mokwanira kukula kwa ntchitoyo.

Mndandanda wanthawi yake supatsa olembetsa mwayi wosanthula mokwanira Lamuloli ndikukhazikitsa njira zosonkhanitsira ndi zotsimikizira zomwe zimafunikira kuti apereke lipoti lathunthu komanso lolondola.

Kuti akwaniritse zofunikira zonse zowululira, mamembala athu amafunikira nthawi yochulukirapo kuti atengere Lamuloli ndikukhazikitsa mfundo zamkati ndi njira zoyenera kutsatira.

Zina mwa njirazi ndi monga kusonkhanitsa magulu amkati ndi kuphunzitsa antchito ofunikira kuti aziyendetsa mapulogalamu osonkhanitsa deta, kupanga nsanja ndi njira zowerengera mpweya wotuluka m'thupi ndikuwunika zoopsa ndi mwayi wofunikira, kuchita nawo uphungu wakunja ndi makampani owerengera ndalama kuti athandizire kutsatira, ndikulumikizana ndi eni ake a chipani chachitatu ndi Ogwiritsa ntchito omwe amawongolera deta koma sakugwirizana ndi zofunikira za SEC.

Ngakhale ambiri mwa mamembala athu akhazikitsa kale zina mwazinthuzi monga gawo la malipoti awo odzifunira a nyengo, gawo lowonjezera la udindo lomwe limamangiriridwa ku fayilo ya SEC limafuna kukonzanso kwina ndi kupititsa patsogolo kayendetsedwe ka mkati ndi ndondomeko kuti zitsimikizire kutsatiridwa kokwanira.

Ambiri mwa mamembala athu ali pachimake popanga njira yawo yokulirapo ya nyengo ndipo sanakhazikitse njira zambiri zofunika kutsatira Lamulo lolembedwa. Kuphatikiza apo, ambiri mwa mamembala athu amakhulupirira kuti kuyerekezera koyambirira kwa mtengo wa SEC sikuwonetsa bwino masitepewa, kapenanso ndalama zowonjezera zomwe zingabwere panthawi yotsatiridwa.

Mabajeti azachuma a chaka cha 2022 adakhazikitsidwa kale, zomwe zimabweretsa zovuta kuti atenge ndalama zochulukirapo mu 2022 zomwe zikufunika kuti akwaniritse ndondomekoyi ndikuyika ogwira ntchito kumayambiriro kwa 2023 kuti ayambe kusonkhanitsa deta pofika tsiku lomaliza la malipoti.

Chifukwa chake, tikulimbikitsa SEC kuti ichedwetse kukhazikitsidwa kwazaka zosachepera ziwiri ndipo, poganiza kuti tsiku logwira ntchito la Disembala 2022, likufuna kuti lipoti loyamba lisachitike kale kuposa 2026.

6. Kufuna kuti zidziwitso ziphatikizidwe mu Fomu ya Wolembetsa 10-K sikulola olembetsa kuti atolere ndi kutsimikizira mpweya wawo wa GHG m'njira yokwanira kusungitsa kwa SEC ndipo sizikugwirizana ndi nthawi yomwe ilipo kale yofotokozera nyengo. Kuwulula konse kwanyengo kuyenera kukhala mu lipoti lapadera.

Kuphatikiza pa kukhazikitsidwa kwanthawi yayitali kwa Lamulo lenilenilo, olembetsa adzafunika kupereka lipoti zaululazi chaka chilichonse monga gawo la Fomu 10-K yawo kapena chikalata cholembetsa.

Ambiri mwa anthu amtundu wa AHLA angotsala ndi masiku 60 okha kuti atolere, atsimikizire, ndikupeza zitsimikizo zokhuza kuopsa kwanyengo komanso zidziwitso zotulutsa mpweya kuchokera mchaka chawo chandalama.

Nthawi iyi ndiyovuta kwambiri ngati sizingatheke kuti makampani akwaniritse.

Ngakhale kuti Lamuloli likufuna kuthana ndi vutoli polola olembetsa kuti aziyerekeza deta iliyonse yachigawo chachinayi ngati palibe chomwe chilipo, njira iyi sikutanthauza kuchedwa kwakukulu pakupeza deta, makamaka mpweya wa GHG, kuchokera kwa ogulitsa ndi makampani oyendetsa chipani chachitatu. , yemwe poyamba ayenera kuzitenga kuchokera kumakampani othandizira ndi ena ogulitsa ena.

Kuchedwaku kumakhala kovutirapo kwambiri pamakampani amahotelo chifukwa ntchito ya anthu ena ikuwonjezera gawo lowonjezera pazambiri zomwe zachitika kale zowunikira ndi kutsimikizira ziwerengero zotulutsa mpweya m'njira yokwanira kusungitsa kwa SEC.

Kuchuluka ndi kuchuluka kwa malipoti apachaka malinga ndi zomwe zikufunika pakuwulula zachuma ndizovuta kale ndipo ambiri mwa mamembala athu omwe amadalira anthu ena kuti akonzekere ndikutumiza zidziwitso zachuma, amagwiritsa ntchito kale nthawi yayitali mkati mwa masiku 60 kukonza Fomu yawo. 10-K. Malinga ndi kuyerekezera kwa SEC, Lamuloli likhoza kuwonjezera maola opitilira 3,000 azinthu zina zolemetsa ku dongosolo lamphamvu kale.

Ndondomekoyi ndi yochuluka kwambiri monga momwe ilipo panopa, ndipo Lamuloli lidzawonjezera mopanda chifukwa pa zofuna za nthawi ndi ndalama zowonetsera anthu pa Fomu 10-K pamene zolinga zofanana zosonkhanitsira deta zikhoza kukwaniritsidwa m'mafayilo otsatirawa.

Further, our members who are currently producing ESG and other climate-related reports generally rely on a mid-year timeframe for producing this data.

The SEC’s reporting schedule would upend this process entirely. Leading global reporting frameworks, such as the CDP relied on by many of our members for their voluntary climate disclosures, generally require reports to be submitted mid-year to provide adequate time for collection and vetting of prior year data.

It has therefore become an industry practice for companies to submit these disclosures and publish their organizations’ sustainability reports in late Q2 or early Q3 for data collected for the company’s previous fiscal year.

This affords companies adequate time to coordinate with third-party contractors and vendors, collect the relevant GHG emissions data and verify the figures to a level they are comfortable publishing in their annual sustainability reports.

By requiring these climate disclosures to be included in the Form 10-K and imposing onerous attestation thresholds, the Rule establishes a compressed reporting timeline that offers registrants no flexibility to file their SEC disclosures in a sufficiently detailed and precise manner that aligns with the climate disclosure processes they have already instituted.

Providing companies with the time required to produce reliable data is the best way to fulfill the Rule’s intent of collecting reliable, consistent, and comparable data for investors.

We, therefore, suggest that the SEC separate these new disclosures from the Form 10-K entirely and instead allow registrants to file a separate climate-specific report 180 days after fiscal year-end. Lastly, whatever disclosures are required should be prospective only, with historic data only being provided based on the first year when reporting under the rule is required.

7.     Kuika zofunikira pakuwulula zina zoyambitsidwa ndi zochita za wolembetsa kudzalefula makampani kutsata zolinga zanyengo, makamaka zokhuza kutulutsa mpweya wa Scope 3.

Many of the Rule’s disclosure requirements are triggered by a company’s actions. For example, a registrant that has adopted a climate transition plan must disclose a detailed description of that plan as part of its SEC filing.

Similarly, to the extent a company uses scenario analysis to assess the resilience of its business strategy, those analytical tools must be disclosed even though the Rule does not impose any obligation on registrants to conduct such an analysis. In fact, merely setting a climate-related target or goal internally could trigger the need for a company to provide detailed disclosures, which may include confidential business information.

Of most concern, a registrant whose climate-related targets include a Scope 3 component would then be required to report those emissions.

The SEC has acknowledged that companies may set longer-term goals without full knowledge of the path they will take to achieve their target. It is therefore imperative that such goals not be construed as promises or guarantees, nor should they bind companies to additional reporting requirements under the Rule.

Establishing higher reporting thresholds for registrants who have embraced effective new tools and set more aggressive emissions targets likely will discourage those companies from continuing to be forward-leaning on climate issues, particularly in regard to Scope 3 emissions commitments.

Many of our members who have made or are considering making bold climate commitments, such as achieving net-zero emissions, will likely reconsider whether those goals are ultimately in their companies’ best interest given the added burdens of disclosing these activities as part of their official SEC filings.

The SEC has provided reasoning for why these particular disclosures are not required as of right, including the complexity of the information and the “undue burden” such requirements would impose on certain registrants.

We appreciate that the SEC has considered the challenges that many of these requirements present. We do not believe, however, that treating certain companies differently and, in effect, penalizing them for overcoming these challenges and taking voluntary action serves the broader goal of increased transparency and better data for investors.

Nor does this approach serve the ultimate goal of reducing the emissions and overall environmental impact of public companies. We, therefore, urge the SEC to remove disclosure requirements that are specifically tied to a company’s former or current actions and instead allow registrants to furnish this information on a voluntary basis, as a growing number of our members are currently doing.

Rather than incentivizing companies to limit their climate-related commitments, we believe this approach will provide registrants with the security and predictability they need to continue setting ambitious climate goals and refining best practices for assessing and mitigating climate-related risks and opportunities.


As noted above, AHLA is committed to collaborating with the SEC to produce a climate disclosure framework that serves investor interests by producing consistent, comparable, and reliable data. In order to achieve the SEC’s goal, the Rule must include practical requirements that are predictable and viable for AHLA members and the broader hospitality industry.

We encourage the SEC to consider the concerns and suggestions we have raised and we look forward to further discussing the Rule.


Chip Rogers President and CEO

American Hotel and Lodging Association


  • Mabajeti azachuma a chaka cha 2022 adakhazikitsidwa kale, zomwe zimabweretsa zovuta kuti atenge ndalama zochulukirapo mu 2022 zomwe zikufunika kuti akwaniritse ndondomekoyi ndikuyika ogwira ntchito kumayambiriro kwa 2023 kuti ayambe kusonkhanitsa deta pofika tsiku lomaliza la malipoti.
  • Kuchedwaku kumakhala kovutirapo kwambiri pamakampani amahotelo chifukwa ntchito ya anthu ena ikuwonjezera gawo lowonjezera pazambiri zomwe zachitika kale zowunikira ndi kutsimikizira ziwerengero zotulutsa mpweya m'njira yokwanira kusungitsa kwa SEC.
  • Some of these steps include assembling internal teams and training necessary personnel to administer data collection programs, developing platforms and methodologies for calculating emissions and assessing relevant risks and opportunities, engaging outside counsel and auditing firms for compliance support, and coordinating with third-party owners and operators who control the data but are not otherwise subject to the SEC's disclosure requirements.


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Wachinyamata T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz wakhala akugwirabe ntchito zapaulendo komanso zokopa alendo kuyambira ali wachinyamata ku Germany (1977).
Iye adayambitsa eTurboNews mu 1999 ngati nkhani yoyamba yapaintaneti yantchito zapaulendo padziko lonse lapansi.

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