Omnibus Travel and Tourism Act ndiye kupambana kwakukulu

"Uku ndiye kupambana kwakukulu kwa apaulendo, makampani oyendayenda komanso chuma cha America," atero Purezidenti wa US Travel Association ndi CEO a Geoff Freeman.

Ananena izi popereka lamulo la ndalama za boma, lomwe likuphatikizapo Omnibus Travel and Tourism Act yomwe inakhazikitsa Mlembi Watsopano Woyang'anira Maulendo ndi Zokopa ku US Department of Commerce.

"Lingaliro lokhazikitsa udindo wosankhidwa ndi pulezidenti, wotsimikiziridwa ndi Senate ya US kuti atsogolere ndondomeko ya maulendo a federal akhalapo kwa zaka zambiri. Chifukwa cha gulu la atsogoleri amgwirizano wapawiri komanso awiri, United States tsopano ilowa m'maiko onse a G20 ndi mkulu wa federal yemwe amayang'ana kwambiri maulendo.

"Mlembi Wothandizira atenga gawo lofunikira pamene tikuthandizana ndi boma kuti tichepetse nthawi yodikirira ma visa, kuwunikira chitetezo chamakono ndikuwonjezera matekinoloje atsopano kuti kuyenda kukhale kotetezeka komanso kotetezeka."


  • He issued this statement on passage of the government-wide funding bill, which includes the Omnibus Travel and Tourism Act establishing a new Assistant Secretary of Travel and Tourism at the U.
  • Thanks to a bipartisan and bicameral group of congressional leaders, the United States will now join all G20 countries with a senior federal official focused on travel.
  • “The Assistant Secretary will play an important role as we partner with government to lower visitor visa wait times, modernize security screening and leverage new technologies to make travel more seamless and secure.


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Linda Hohnholz

Mkonzi wamkulu kwa eTurboNews zochokera ku eTN HQ.

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