Tourism ndi chifukwa

Zomwe zakhala zofunikira kwambiri kwa apaulendo padziko lonse lapansi, makamaka chifukwa cha zomwe zidawonedwa panthawi ya mliriwu komanso zotsatira zake chifukwa chokhala m'ndende kwautali, ndi momwe tingakhalire olemekeza chilengedwe pambuyo potsimikizira kukula kwa momwe timakhudzira chilengedwe. ndi kufunika kowapanga kukhala okhazikika. Choncho, anthu ochulukirachulukira akukhudzidwa ndi kudya ndi kusangalala ndi zochitika zachilengedwe ndi udindo wa chikhalidwe ndi chilengedwe; Ndi zokopa alendo zomwe zili ndi cholinga, zokhazikika.


  • A trend that has become very relevant in world travelers, especially because of what was observed during the pandemic and the consequences derived from the long confinement, is how we can be more respectful of nature after corroborating the magnitude of the impact that we cause on ecosystems and the need to make them more sustainable.
  • Thus, more and more people are concerned with consuming and enjoying natural settings with social and ecological responsibility.
  • It is a tourism with a cause, sustainable.

Ponena za wolemba

Linda Hohnholz

Mkonzi wamkulu kwa eTurboNews zochokera ku eTN HQ.

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