Mukuyiwala ma visa aku US: Kenya - Jamaica yolunjika pa Kenya Airways posachedwa?


Jamaica Tourism has always been known to plan out of the box and in doing business just a little different. The United States is one of the only countries in the world requiring passengers from many nationalities passing through their airports to third countries to apply for transit visas in advance.  This has been a…

Izi ndi za mamembala SUBSCRIPTION KWAULERE okha.
Lowani muakaunti Lowani Tsopano


  • The United States is one of the only countries in the world requiring passengers from many nationalities passing through their airports to third countries to apply for transit visas in advance.
  • Izi ndi za mamembala SUBSCRIPTION KWAULERE okha.
  • Ulendo wa ku Jamaica nthawi zonse umadziwika kuti ukukonzekera mwadongosolo komanso kuchita bizinesi mosiyana pang'ono.


Ponena za wolemba

Wachinyamata T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz wakhala akugwirabe ntchito zapaulendo komanso zokopa alendo kuyambira ali wachinyamata ku Germany (1977).
Iye adayambitsa eTurboNews mu 1999 ngati nkhani yoyamba yapaintaneti yantchito zapaulendo padziko lonse lapansi.

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